Keeping Your Garden Rosy

Different Types of Roses:

Hybrid Tea Roses: Hybrid tea roses are the most popular type of rose, with large, full blooms on long stems.

Floribunda Roses: Floribunda roses are a type of rose that produces clusters of small to medium-sized blooms on long stems.

Grandiflora Roses: Climbing roses are a type of rose that produces long, flexible canes that can be trained to grow up a trellis or other support.

Shrub Roses: Shrub roses are a type of rose that grows in a shrub-like form, with multiple branches and stems.

In January, here are a few tasks you can do to care for your roses:

  1. Prune your roses. January is a good time to prune most types of roses in many parts of the country. This helps to remove dead, diseased, or damaged growth, and encourages healthy new growth.

  2. Check for pests and diseases. Keep an eye out for common rose pests such as aphids, Japanese beetles, and spider mites, and treat as necessary using organic or chemical controls. Also, be on the lookout for signs of disease, such as black spot or powdery mildew, and take action to prevent the disease from spreading.

  3. Mulch your roses. Adding a layer of mulch around the base of your roses can help to insulate the soil and protect the roots from extreme temperature fluctuations. This is especially important in areas with cold winters.

  4. Protect your roses from extreme cold. If you live in an area with very cold winters, you may need to provide additional protection for your roses. This can include covering the plants with blankets or burlap or using plastic or paper tree wrap to protect the canes.

  5. Fertilize your roses. You can fertilize your roses in late winter / early spring using a balanced fertilizer or a fertilizer specifically formulated for roses. Follow the instructions on the package for proper application.


How to prune roses properly:

  1. Begin by using clean, sharp pruning shears or scissors.

  2. Cut off any dead, diseased, or damaged canes, cutting back to healthy, white tissue just above a bud.

  3. Remove any canes that are growing inward or crossing over other canes.

  4. Cut off any canes that are thin or spindly, or any that are growing too tall for the desired shape of the plant.

  5. Cut off any canes that are growing below the desired height of the plant.

  6. Cut off any canes that are growing out of the desired shape of the plant.

  7. Once you have finished pruning, clean up any debris from the ground around the plant.

It is important to remember that proper pruning techniques will vary depending on the type of rose you are growing. Some roses, such as hybrid tea roses, need to be pruned more severely than others, while others, such as climbing roses, can be pruned less to ensure training can be maintained around trellis’ or any other structure.


Rose Fertilisation:

Roses are beautiful flowers that can add colour and character to any garden. Proper fertilization is an important aspect of growing healthy roses. Here are some tips for fertilizing roses:

  1. Use a balanced fertilizer that contains a mix of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. A ratio of 10-10-10 is a good general-purpose fertilizer for roses.

  2. Apply fertilizer in the early spring, just as the new growth begins to emerge. This will provide the plants with the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.

  3. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package for the correct dosage and frequency of application. Over-fertilizing can harm your roses, so be sure to use the right amount.

  4. Water the plants well before and after applying the fertilizer, to help it reach the roots and be absorbed by the plants.

  5. Consider using organic fertilizers, such as compost or well-rotted manure, which can help improve the soil structure and provide a slow release of nutrients over time.

  6. Fertilize your roses again in mid-summer, to support new growth and encourage blooms.

  7. Avoid fertilizing your roses late in the season, as this can promote new growth that may not have time to harden off before winter.

By following these tips, you can help your roses thrive and produce beautiful blooms all season long.


Your Garden in February


Your Garden in January