Passionate about cultivating our local gardening community

Connect with other like-minded gardeners, share tips & advice, receive a monthly newsletter and attend local talks and gardens in Ireland. Join today for free!

Our gardening society is dedicated to promoting the joy and rewards of growing, conservation and knowledge sharing, while contributing to a more sustainable and resilient future for all.

The mission of our new gardening society is to create a community of individuals who are passionate about gardening and horticulture. We will strive to promote the benefits of gardening, including enhancing the health of individuals and the environment, and providing a source of fresh produce and aesthetic gardens, where people can have the opportunity to relax and enjoy nature. Our goal is to foster a culture of learning, collaboration and sharing of knowledge among members, as we work together to create beautiful, productive gardens that enrich our lives and communities. We also aim to provide opportunities for outreach and engagement, sharing our love of gardening with others through educational programs, community events, and service projects.

Every GGS member will receive…

  • Access to our exclusive Whatsapp Group where we share information for meetings and trips, connect with other gardeners and exchange advice and tips on gardening

  • Attend quarterly trips to gardens in Ireland

  • Attend horticultural talks and workshops in the local community hall with gardening experts

Join our gardening society for free...

What we’ve been up to